Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ode To My Yellow Scarf

O' Silken Scarf, So Soft and Yellow,
I'm so glad I saved you from the piles of grandma hand-me-downs.
You always add the perfect umph to every outfit.
You get me compliments from hip 70 year old women.
I'd wear you everyday if you weren't so conspicuous.

I like to wear you while photographing my house for memory's sake:
(Ryan got me sunflowers this day for our anniversary. I wanted pictures with the flowers, he suggested taking them inside for a change since we'd be leaving our dear apartment soon)

I like to wear you at band practise:

(Ryan has been helping me learn bass for a bit, which has sparked more music time. this is us playing our first song together.....I am not playing bass because I am still too much of a novice. I hoped you could tell from the pictures, but this dress is covered in butterflies! I found it on ebay for nine dollars. ultra cyber score.)

I like to wear you to pool party barbeques... and be told how much I look like an air hostess by Ryan's friends:

(Ruston and Ryan tried to accomplish an air high five from opposite ends of the pool. also, puppypuppypuppypuppypuppy!)

I hope to enjoy your company atop my head,
round my neck, and mayhap adorning my waistline
for years to come.

and now a haiku:

Happy Scarf Friend, Ho!
It's a Bright Yellow Future
With you by my side.


  1. What a lovely, versatile yellow scarf you have! I love it!

  2. This post is adorable. I love headscarfs, and yellow is such a lovely color.


  3. haha, I love your yellow scarf! I have a similar orange one and my sister said I looked like an air hostess too last time I wore it! ;)
    Your butterfly dress is very pretty too.

  4. great pics! love your white dress!


  5. This is such an adorable post. Your haiku made me beam. :)

  6. This was such a cute entry! My husband plays bass. I wish I knew how to play guitar or bass too. It is a good skill to know. Your scarf is so cute.
